Background of the Topic

Water, energy and food are essential for human well-being, poverty reduction and sustainable development. Global projections indicate that demand for freshwater, energy and food will increase significantly over the next decades under the pressure of population growth and mobility, economic development, international trade, urbanization, diversifying diets, cultural and technological changes, and climate change (Hoff 2011). Agriculture accounts for 70 percent of total global freshwater withdrawals, making it the largest user of water. Water is used for agricultural production, forestry and fishery, along the entire agri-food supply chain, and it is used to produce or transport energy in different forms (FAO 2011a).
At the same time, the food production and supply chain consumes about 30 percent of total energy consumed globally (FAO 2011b). Energy is required to produce, transport and distribute food as well as to extract, pump, lift, collect, transport and treat water. Cities, industry and other users, too, claim increasingly more water, energy and land resources, and at the same time, face problems of environmental degradation and in some cases, resources scarcity.
This conference is dedicated to increase global awareness regarding the importance of the complex and dynamic interrelationships between water, energy and food, so that we can use and manage our limited resources sustainably. We can see those interrelationships factors as following

Figure 1
There is an intrinsic link between the challenge we face to ensure water security and other global issues, most notably climate change and the need to sustainably manage the world’s rapidly growing demand for energy and food. Humanity needs to feed more people with less water, in a context of climate change and growing energy demand, while maintaining healthy ecosystems. Competing demands for water, energy and food will require us to make intelligent – and sometimes tough – choices and radically move away from business as usual solutions. Water, energy, land use and climate change are all interconnected. The challenge is to provide more food, fiber and fuel in a growing and more affluent world and at the same time to be more efficient in the use of resources, not only water and energy but also other resources such as land and scarce minerals, whilst mitigating and adapting to climate change.
This 2017 International Student Conference held by Universitas Katolik Parahyangan will explore the options to tackle the problems by developing insights for short-term responses to the nexus, under climate change conditions, as well as long term policy and technology options to address the challenges.


Name of the Event


Scope of the Event

This event will gather university students from Indonesia as well as international students from all over the world. The committee expects to gather total of 120 students consist of 60 Indonesian students and 60 international students. All of the participants will learn in series of lectures, express their feelings and share their thoughts in site visits, and also introduced to Indonesian cultures. The conference will involve professors, both international and local students, international organizations, bureaucrats and related NGOs. .


  1. To raise awareness of the students, to provide forum for knowledge and experience sharing, and to broaden students’ perspectives in seeing the link between climate change to the water security, and its impact to the food and energy availability and supply.
  2. To enhance the soft skills of the participants as well as exposing them of diversity of cultures of the participants to bridge dialogues and build tolerance among participants.
  3. To promote Indonesian’s culture and tourism.
  4. To provides the platform of internationalization for Unpar’s students, in order to broaden their perspective about global issues around the world
  5. To promote Unpar as a good university destination for a student exchange program..


Who Can Participate in the Program and How?

The conference is offered to Unpar students and any international student who has strong motivation to improve his/her knowledge on water, food and energy nexus. It is basically for both undergraduate and post graduate students from any major of studies. To participate in this program, candidates must submit application form for further selection process. Application form can be submitted to the committee via

Registration Fee for International Participants

Registration fee is only USD 250. It is just a basic fee that is much lower than the real cost that committee must spend for each participant. Based on that fee, Unpar covers the cost by providing subsidy for participants and finding sponsorship from other institutions. The method of the payment will be informed at the Letter of Admission, distributed only for the admitted candidates. .

Qualification of the Participants

For international participants:
  1. Bachelor degree students, at least from the 3rd semester; Master degree students and doctoral degree students from every study background,
  2. Being supported to participate by the home university (proven by a Support Letter from any authority at the home university)
For local participants:
  1. Minimum GPA of the Even Semester 2015-2016: 2.5,
  2. Open for students from every study program;
  3. Fluent English proficiency..


What We Provide for Participants

For the admitted participants, the committee will provide:

  • Pick up and drop off service from Ngurah Rai International Airport – Bali to Aroma’s hotel (only at the designated schedule)
  • 2 sharing based accommodation
  • Entry tickets and participation fee of the compulsory site visits and cultural activities
  • Inland transportation of the compulsory programs
  • Breakfast and Lunch (as it will be indicated at the schedule)
  • Welcome and Closing Receptions (dinner)
  • Certificate of Attendance and Certificate Supplement (indicating that all activities are equal as 3 credits academic activities. These documents will be granted only for Participants who participate fully in the whole program



Application form for Local Participants

Please download here.

Application form for International Participants

Please download here.

Application for Local Participants: up to

Up to 15 September 2016.

Open Recruitment for Local Participants:

Up to 21 October 2016.

Application for International Participants:

Up to 10 October 2016.

Admission for International Participants:

Up to 1 November 2016.

General Rundown

Please click here


Leaflet for international participants:

ISC 2017 – LEAFLET-29 Agt